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Five New Things

If you read my blogs at the now defunct Jaunty Quills you might have noticed I like to do Five Things for each month. I'll be continuing those blogs here. This if Five New Things I am interested in right now. I'd love your ideas as well. Once a month I'm going to post some new things I want to try. It might be a product, some new music, a new book, new clothes, new places, new food.

1. Hamilton the mixtape. Okay, I'm the first to admit I'm a little bit late to Hamilton but in my defense I live in the UK and have been writing a lot of books this year. Sounds like excuses, right? I am hooked on Hamilton and this mixtape is awesome. I highly recommend it. And if you haven't seen this special on the making of Hamilton on PBS you should check it out!

2. Star Wars Rogue One. When the first Star Wars movie came out I was eight. (I'm 47 in case you are frantically doing the math to figure out how old I am now, I'd do the same thing!!) And it was mind blowing. I remember how scared I was of Darth Vader just from the commercials I'd seen and wrangled a spot next to my dad because he was a big bad @$$ and I knew he'd protect me during the movie. Except Darth Vader wasn't as scary as I'd thought he'd be and I loved Star Wars and all the following movies. I had the bed set sheet and my parents were in the process of building our house in the summer of '78 and my sisters and I played "death star" all over the construction site. It was so much fun. Anyway that's my long winded way of saying I can't wait for this newest Star Wars story. I even purchased matching tees for my hubby and I to wear to the screening. Thanks, Uniqlo!

3. Gingerbread latte. We don't have a Starbucks in my town, I'll take a minute to let you feel sorry for me. :) But there is one en route to pick up my son at Uni and I tried this for the first time ever. Let me just say-yum! Where have you been all my life yummy, christmasy beverage??

4. Rick Astley 50. Okay I'm not going to even pretend that I don' t love his music. I somehow ended up with two copies of the CD back in the 80s and was reluctant to sell my extra copy in case something happened to the original one. I am beyond excited that he has a new album/CD/digital compilation (what do you call new albums now?). Here is a link to PRAY WITH ME off the album. Let me say it is really good. Don't miss it!

5. 2017 Calendar/Planner. I love the start of a new year. I love making a list of what I'm going to do during that year and I love buying a new planner. I had my eye on the Inkwell Press planner but the internet conspired against me to keep from buying it and getting it shipped to the UK. You have to use some outside shipper that I couldn't get the website to redirect me to. But I did purchase the gratitude planner from Kikki.k. It's so pretty and I can't wait to start using it. Also I have these lovely Kelly Purkey dies that I can use to make inserts for the planner. I like to put a new tab in each week that tracks the writing I do. So I'm very excited to get started. :)

**Everything in hot pink is a link so you can check out the stuff I've referenced!

What's on your list? It can be for Christmas or Hanukkah or Winter Fest. I'm curious of any of my five things have made your the top of your list as well. Let me know in the comments below. I'm giving away a Starbucks $10 gift card and a e-copy of Her Christmas Cowboy to one lucky commenter.

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